Pregnant woman staying hydrated and drinking plenty fluids

Pelvic Floor: How to Prevent The Problems During Pregnancy

  • Pelvic floor problems are common during pregnancy, but there are things you can do to prevent them.
  • Doing pelvic floor exercises, maintaining a healthy weight, eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of fluids, avoiding constipation, and getting regular prenatal care can all help to prevent pelvic floor problems during pregnancy.
  • If you are experiencing pelvic floor problems during pregnancy, talk to your doctor. They can help you to identify the cause of your problems and develop a treatment plan.

pelvic floor for pregnancy

There is no doubt, pregnancy places a lot of distortion on your pelvic floor as it bears the additional weight caused by your expanding uterus. 
Pregnancy is a wonderful and transforming event, but it can also present some obstacles, one of which is pelvic floor dysfunction. 
The pelvic floor is fundamental for supporting your inner organs as well as keeping up with bladder and gut control. 
During pregnancy, the pelvic floor goes through massive changes, thus, it is inclined to urine incontinence, waste or fecal incontinence, and pelvic organ prolapse
We will now look into compelling ways of preventing pelvic floor issues, including works out, way of life changes, and expert help. 
By implementing these strategies, you can promote pelvic floor health and enjoy a more comfortable pregnancy

What Are Pelvic Floor? 

The pelvic floor refers to a group of hammock-like muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues that form a supportive sling at the base of the pelvis. 
These muscles are responsible for: 
  • Holding up the pelvic organs, such as the bladder, uterus, and rectum. 
  • Helping to contract intra-abdominal pressure 
  • Maintaining continence, stability, and sexual function.

How to Prevent Pelvic Floor Problems During Pregnancy 

Without a doubt, hormonal shifts and the increasing weight of the child overwhelm the pelvic floor. 
As the child develops, the pelvic floor muscles might become weakened, causing different issues, including pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence, and pelvic torment. but, there are proactive steps you can take to prevent and resolve these issues.

1. Pelvic Floor Exercises During Pregnancy 


Engaging in pelvic floor exercises, commonly known as Kegels, can significantly strengthen these muscles. Regularly performing Kegels during pregnancy can help maintain muscle tone and enhance pelvic support. 
To engage in Kegels: 
  • Find a very comfortable position to sit or lie down in. 
  • Squeeze your pelvic muscles to try to stop the flow of urine. 
  • Hold the contraction for a few seconds before releasing it. 
  • This practice should be repeated several times during the day.

2. Maintain a Healthy Weight 

Pelvic Floor- weight management

Keeping your weight gain within the acceptable range throughout pregnancy will help to relieve strain on your pelvic floor muscles. 
To maintain general health and wellness, avoid excessive weight gain and focus on a balanced diet and moderate activity.

3. Practice Proper Lifting Techniques 

Pelvic Floor - during pregnancy

As your pregnancy progresses, be careful of how you lift objects.
Try to avoid heavy lifting and instead, use proper body mechanics to minimize pressure on the pelvic floor. Bend at the knees and hips, not the waist, and engage your core muscles.

4. Avoiding Constipation 


Constipation can cause additional tension on the pelvic floor muscles. Drink plenty of water, consume a high-fiber diet, and exercise on a regular basis if you are constipated.

5. Drinking Plenty of Fluids 


Both your general health and the condition of your pelvic floor depend on you staying hydrated. 
Urinary incontinence can be avoided by drinking enough water to maintain your bladder healthy.

6. Pelvic Floor Support Devices

In some instances, your doctor may advise you to utilize pelvic floor support devices, such as pessaries, to help control pelvic organ prolapse and give extra support during pregnancy.

7. Seek Guidance from a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist 

Look into seeing a pelvic floor physical therapist who specializes in pregnant women’s health.
They can evaluate your pelvic floor function and recommend tailored exercises and approaches to treat any difficulties or discomfort you may be experiencing.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance and care during pregnancy.

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